Skype/Online: $750 (up to a 90 minute discussion/presentation).
Campus/Organization Visit (workshop or talk): $3500. This is for a full-day visit and covers up to three events (keynote talk/faculty workshop/seminar with students/etc…) in a single day. This assumes at least a half-day of travel, as well as presentations being appropriately customized to the audience and institution. Talks or workshops which may require developing significant new content may require additional payment. Multi-day visits, add an additional $1500 per day. For local events requiring minimal travel (90 minutes total), rates can be reduced. Rates are negotiable for organizations with limited funds and non-profit missions.
To keep this simple, I only require reimbursement for direct transportation costs such as airfare, travel to and from airport, (or mileage if the event is within 6 hours driving distance to Charleston, South Carolina), plus the cost of any hotel stay. No meals need be reimbursed, though I often enjoy the chance to break bread with my hosts.
I am happy to be recorded for internal use on a password protected institutional website. I ask that the recordings not be made available to the wider public without my explicit permission. Photographs are always fine.
I’m of course thrilled when institutions want to sell any of my books on-site and will happily sign and personalize books. With prior arrangement, I can coordinate bulk sales with publishers, though this almost always requires a minimum order with no possibility of return. I am not currently set up to be my own vendor, but this may change in the future.
If at all possible, I prefer payment via check or online transfer the day of the event. Travel expenses should be reimbursed in a timely fashion following submission of any necessary documentation.